Being aware of the context and reality in which my work is inscribed, I am moved by a deep interest in gender studies, critical and decolonial theory, modern dichotomies, territory and the seemingly less relevant aspects that permeate our everyday life. With my work, I tend to elaborate critical reflections and commentaries, highlighting how everyday life is often infused by social mechanisms that perpetuate the continuous process of marginalization in a system rooted in power relations. These relations may manifest themselves through differences of race, class, gender or species, among others. Starting from the conceptual conditions that I wish to address in each project, I focus my search and experimentation towards the media and materials that can best express and deepen these ideas. Through a constant exploration of the intersection between conceptual research and material experimentation, I work in various media, such as painting, sculpture, ceramics, photography and video among others, selecting each one according to the direction of my research and the specific conceptual needs of each project. Therefore, my work focuses on the exploration of ideas and the creation of meaningful connections between the concept and its material manifestation.
Claudia Uranga Alonso
2021-2023. Master’s Degree in Comparative Studies in Literature, Art and Thought.
Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Barcelona, Spain.
2021. Film Analysis Workshop: women creators and feminism in the 21st century
Universidad CENTRO. México City, México. Dictated by Irmgard Emmelhainz
2019-2020. Diploma of Specialization in Professional Interior Design
Universidad CENTRO. México City, México.
2013-2017. Bachelor's Degree in Visual and Plastic Arts
Escuela Nacional de Pintura Escultura y Grabado “La esmeralda”. México City, México.
2023. Master's Thesis: "Devices of the Radical Imagination: Postgender Utopias in Marge Piercy's Woman on the Edge of Time and in the Philosophy of Paul B. Preciado".
Advisors: María Morrás Ruiz-Falcó and Camil Ungureanu
Investigación de estudios comparativos en torno a la teoría queer, los estudios de género y la imaginación radical con las utopías y distopías del género literario de la ciencia ficción.
2018-2020. "Tangible essay on the inanimate body as a palpable object."
Independent artistic research project resulting in the collection Manos en Reposo®
Sculptural study on the body. Final phase focused on the variants of the hands in a state of rest and on their interactions with the surfaces on which they rest.
2018. Bachelor Thesis: "Advertere: a journey through the process of de-apprehending through Art and a brief analysis of Modernity and its consequences”
Guided by artist Sofía Táboas and theorist Karla Villegas.
This thesis reviews the learning process of the Visual Arts and its implications, revealing the transformative effect that is experienced through the deconstruction and transformation of thought, especially in artists, and emphasizes the responsibility that artists and their artistic work have as social agents.
2017. Theoretical-practical final degree research: “Ahorita no, gracias”
Sofía Táboa’s production workshop and conceptualization seminar by Karla Villegas.
This artistic research (translated title: Not right now, thank you) is dedicated to reflect on the ideology and social behavior towards class and race differences in Mexico, deep-rooted since colonial times to the present days. It results in 6 works elaborated with alternative media and materials, such as food, nylon fabric and video installation.
2020. 1st Encounter of Imaginary Sculpture
Turín 41, Colonia Juárez. México City, México.
Self-managed Group exhibition.
2018. Open Painting Salon
Ladrón Galería. México City, México.
Group exhibition presented in local gallery.
2017. “Recomendaciones mínimas para caminar de espaldas”
Museo ExTeresa Arte Actual. México City, México.
Group exhibition at a public museum, curated by Fabiola Iza and David Miranda.
2017. “Ahorita no, gracias”
Casa Llorar. México City, México.
Solo show exhibited at an alternative venue dedicated to artistic research.
2021. Ecological and feminist Macroeconomics
Universidad de Barcelona. Barcelona, Spain.
One-week online program organized by Federico Demaria (ICTA-UAB).
2021. Economía Ecológica y Principios de Decrecimiento
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Barcelona, Spain.
6 ECTS, Programa Summer School: Ecological Economics and Degrowth Principles.
2018. Pensamiento Sistémico y Sustentabilidad en un Planeta Dinámico
Universidad del Medio ambiente. Valle de Bravo, México.
Semi-presential course of 96 hours with an interdisciplinary approach.